This is so me.
This is so me.
When i was kid i was doing all night some of this "comics" in my slate.
When i was kid i would love to do animation but i couldn't found the software
good old time.
Yeah those were the times before I discovered full potential of the internet. Back then I drew many comics, mostly original, half original (worms) and unoriginal like xiao xiao, madness combat and some tv shows that got me inspired. Now in present I'm forcing myself to finish the unfinished comics. The progress is super slow, but the job will get done. Avenger will be finished!
shut up dude.. I bet you started out like this too
So just shut your mouth and respect people who want to be fellow madness animators, It would be better if you said why you don't like it and gave suggestions on how to improve
Poor randomes :(
Age 25, Male
Somewhere in France
Joined on 4/8/12